Simon lawrence photojournalist

'Hi and thanks for visiting... I feel very lucky... I have a job I like; I make my living going out, photographing and chatting to people, then writing stories about their lives.
I step into their shoes – just for a few moments, watch them, listen to them, try to feel what it must be like to be them, and you know what, most of the time I feel greatly privileged because they have allowed me into their lives, they’ve trusted me for the short time we’re together, they so often talk to me candidly, openly and honestly. It is always a humbling experience.
I’m no political philosopher, I try to be a storyteller, I get out there, and explore someone, or something that interests me, and then after all the watching, the listening and asking questions I try to give you the feelings and emotions of what it was like to have been there too, right beside me.'
Many thanks for stopping by.
As well as a writer and photographer; Simon also lecturers in higher education and runs a number of private courses and workshops. To find out more about his teaching and workshops please CLICK HERE.