The complete edition
By Simon Lawrence

The words you speak and the thoughts you think are a confession of your private doubts and fears, or your joy and love of all things.
Here is some inspiration to create your life exactly as you want it, rather than the one you don't...
Simon’s book ‘Words to Live By’ is will inspire every one of us... it makes us think about who we are and where we are in this wonderful thing called LIFE...
And Simon says... ‘I hope this little volume brings enough inspiration for you to begin your own journey towards what you do want to show up in your life - from this moment on. If you are already on the journey then I hope it helps you to keep going when a tougher moment creates more of an uphill climb, and you need a little push, a reminder of who you really are and to listen only to the one mind that is going to create the life of your dreams.’
The words you speak and the thoughts you think are a confession of your private doubts and fears, or your joy and love of all things.
Here is some inspiration to create your life exactly as you want it, rather than the one you don't...
Simon’s book ‘Words to Live By’ is will inspire every one of us... it makes us think about who we are and where we are in this wonderful thing called LIFE...
And Simon says... ‘I hope this little volume brings enough inspiration for you to begin your own journey towards what you do want to show up in your life - from this moment on. If you are already on the journey then I hope it helps you to keep going when a tougher moment creates more of an uphill climb, and you need a little push, a reminder of who you really are and to listen only to the one mind that is going to create the life of your dreams.’
By Simon Lawrence

Simon says about this SPECIAL EDITION... 'This Black and White edition was inspired by a passion I’ve had since my earliest days as a photographer. I can remember standing in the bathroom fiddling with film spirals and pouring foul smelling chemicals into my little light tight container… it was always exciting, having watched the moments tick away when I could pour the last of the fixer away, unscrew the top and unfurled the damp plastic strip to see what I had caught. Just recently I was giving a lecture which then became a series of Black and White workshops, and while I talked and I demonstrated… l felt all those old excitements from so long ago pulling at my imagination. So I called my publishers and after what was obviously, albeit eventually a successful and convincing argument they agreed to this special, smaller format edition. But even before that first phone call I had began the task of taking the colour from each of my images… and transforming them into an infinite array of tones, from the whitest white to the blackest of blacks.'
By Simon Lawrence

If we were out taking photos together, and you said to me, ‘hey Simon, how do I get a great photo of this flower and keep it sharp… but I want the background out of focus?’
I wouldn’t stand there and give you an entire lecture about aperture, exposure or depth of focus (field). I’d just show you and say, ‘get up to the telephoto end of your lens, set your aperture priority mode with an f-stop of 2.8, focus on the flower and fire away.’
And you would say, ‘OK’, and you’d get your shot. But unfortunately I’m not standing beside you...
There’s an enormous number of photography books you can choose to help you, and so much information available on the internet. This is not a book about all things photographic, a full exposé on photography...
… in Photography TOP TIPS I’ll show you some of the things that I do each time I pick my camera up; all those little secrets that are not really secrets at all, but with practice become second nature and transform your photographs from something ordinary into something extraordinary. I hope this is the next best thing to enjoying our creativity together.
These are the same techniques I teach in my photography classes and I have assembled them here, all the really important things for you to look out for while you are actually taking your pictures; so you can record to your memory card exactly what you have visualised.
I wouldn’t stand there and give you an entire lecture about aperture, exposure or depth of focus (field). I’d just show you and say, ‘get up to the telephoto end of your lens, set your aperture priority mode with an f-stop of 2.8, focus on the flower and fire away.’
And you would say, ‘OK’, and you’d get your shot. But unfortunately I’m not standing beside you...
There’s an enormous number of photography books you can choose to help you, and so much information available on the internet. This is not a book about all things photographic, a full exposé on photography...
… in Photography TOP TIPS I’ll show you some of the things that I do each time I pick my camera up; all those little secrets that are not really secrets at all, but with practice become second nature and transform your photographs from something ordinary into something extraordinary. I hope this is the next best thing to enjoying our creativity together.
These are the same techniques I teach in my photography classes and I have assembled them here, all the really important things for you to look out for while you are actually taking your pictures; so you can record to your memory card exactly what you have visualised.
By Simon Lawrence

In March 2017, Simon was told he had an inoperable lung cancer, and that his life was going to be much shorter than he ever thought it would be.
‘Simon,’ his (then) consultant said, ‘we can do nothing for you, take my advice, go home and sort your affairs.’
‘I’d always imagined hearing something like that would bring horror and panic,’ he said. ‘But, I was extremely calm, and that has continued throughout my illness. Staring at death gives you profound feelings. Everything seems more vivid, sharper, more in focus.’
Simon took his death sentence as a challenge, a dare to prove his medical team wrong, a Dare to Live!
His new book Dare to Live will be published in late 2019 and chronicles his journey from hopelessness back to wellness…
Statistics tell us half the world’s population will get some sort of cancer during their lives, and in Dare to Live, Simon will show how you too can enhance your bodies natural ability to maintain and heal itself, not just from cancer but anything you might suffer from, physically and emotionally.
‘Simon,’ his (then) consultant said, ‘we can do nothing for you, take my advice, go home and sort your affairs.’
‘I’d always imagined hearing something like that would bring horror and panic,’ he said. ‘But, I was extremely calm, and that has continued throughout my illness. Staring at death gives you profound feelings. Everything seems more vivid, sharper, more in focus.’
Simon took his death sentence as a challenge, a dare to prove his medical team wrong, a Dare to Live!
His new book Dare to Live will be published in late 2019 and chronicles his journey from hopelessness back to wellness…
Statistics tell us half the world’s population will get some sort of cancer during their lives, and in Dare to Live, Simon will show how you too can enhance your bodies natural ability to maintain and heal itself, not just from cancer but anything you might suffer from, physically and emotionally.